2023 - 2024 Events
2022 - 2023 Events
Dollars and Sense - November 5th, 2022
SBLA partnered with the 100 Black Men of Indianapolis, an organization that engages with central Indiana students through a 16-weekend financial literacy program called Dollars and Sense. Through a combination of education and financial incentives, the students will learn personal finance concepts and investment basics.
Fall Speaker - October 20th, 2022
Bart Peterson, the President, and CEO of Christel House Indianapolis joined us to give some information about his journey of how he got to where he is today. Mr. Peterson also spoke on his time in public office and how he was well prepared to take over the former CEO and Founder of Christel House, Christel DeHaan.
Personal Branding - September 19th, 2022
Now is the time to start developing your image and developing your “virtual” brand. SBLA hosted Fernando Falcon, President and CEO of Champion CJDR, to speak on tips and tricks on how he was able to brand himself throughout his professional career.
Recruitment Dinner - September 1st, 2022
SBLA hosted our annual Recruitment Dinner for freshman business students to see what events we will be hosting this school year. You will get the opportunity to meet everyone in SBLA as well as students in your class.
2021 - 2022 Events
Charity Golf Outing - April 23rd, 2022
SBLA is hosting our annual Charity Golf Outing for Christel House Indianapolis at Prairie View in Carmel, IN. Our team was able to raise $34,000 for children within Christel House Indianapolis!
Networking Dinner - April 7th, 2022
This invitation-only networking event provides a great way for student leaders with the School of Business to network with local business leaders. At this event, there is a 2 to 1 ratio from students to executives. This is a great way to obtain an internship, job, and/or mentor.
Spring Speaker - March 3rd, 2022
Tony Katz, National Radio and TV Personality will be joining us to give some information about his journey of how he got to where he is today.
Fashion and Business (FAB) - February 10th, 2022
This event was run like a pageant. Professors and students were dressed in business attire to provide examples of how to dress in the workplace. In addition, participants competed in a talent segment and a business questionnaire.
Financial Literacy Event - January 29th, 2022
Every year the UIndy School of Business partners with a group of volunteer CPA’s to provide financial advice to people in the Indianapolis area. The financial advice is free to those who attend and is one of the most impacting events the School of Business hosts.
Dollars and Sense - October 30th, 2021
SBLA partnered with the 100 Black Men of Indianapolis, an organization that engages with central Indiana students through a 16-weekend financial literacy program called Dollars and Sense. Through a combination of education and financial incentives, the students will learn personal finance concepts and investment basics.
Fall Speaker - October 28th, 2021
Martin Baier, the CEO of International Center will be joining us to give some information about his journey of how he got to where he is today. Be sure to bring your questions so Mr. Baier can answer them.
Personal Branding - September 20th, 2021
Now is the time to start developing your image and developing your business cards. This event is tailored to incoming freshmen and helps them set themselves up for success.
Recruitment Dinner - September 7th, 2021
Are you wanting to learn more about SBLA? Come out to our annual Recruitment Dinner and see what events we will be hosting this school year. You will get the opportunity to meet everyone in SBLA as well as students in your class. Did you miss the event? Fill out this form to volunteer for events!
Freshman Orientation - Welcome Week 2021
Ready to get involved? This event is brought directly to your classroom! Learn what clubs the School of Business offers and what events we will be hosting this upcoming semester.
Previous Years Events
Spring Speaker - March 1, 2021
The Spring Speaker event was a brief speech given by WTHR’s Scott Swan over zoom. The event was also on Facebook Livestream through WTHR with over 200 people in virtual attendance. Following his speech, Scott Swan answered various questions from University of Indianapolis students.
FAB - Fashion and Business - February 11th, 2021
This event was like a pageant for business. There were several professors and students dressed in business attire to provide examples on how to dress in the workplace. In addition, there will be a talent segment and a business questionnaire.
Financial Planning Day - January 30th, 2021
This event was a collaboration between the University of Indianapolis School of Business and Financial Planning Association of Greater Indiana to provide help with financial planning such as credit management, investing, taxes, or budget planning to the Indianapolis community.
Fall Speaker - October 15th, 2020
This event was a sit down zoom discussion and interview with the founder and CEO of the First Internet Bank, David Becker. The SBLA Vice President of Business Development, Easton Meyer, asked Mr. Becker various question about his career as well as for advice that he would give college students today. Following the interview, business students on the zoom call got the chance to have their questions answered by David Becker.
For Photos: http://becker20.uindybiz.com/
Personal Branding - September 17th, 2020
The former CEO of AG Maas Company, Laura Sniadecki, shared her personal story of how she found herself in a CEO position when her original plan was to be a dietitian. Prior to our guest speaker, a video on zoom etiquette made by our SBLA officers, was shown for tips on how to remain professional in an online setting.
For Photos: http://branding20.uindybiz.com/
Recruitment Zoom - August 27th, 2020
Dr. Will, along with President Emily Muckerheide and the Vice Presidents explained SBLA’s core mission, organization structure, events, and benefits of volunteering. This dinner provided numerous students with information on how to get involved with SBLA. In addition, students were able to sign up to volunteer for numerous events that will occur throughout the academic year.
For Photos: http://newsbla20.uindybiz.com/
Skyline Club - August 20th, 2020
Incoming business students were welcomed by various School of Business Student Leaders and faculty members at the Skyline Club in downtown Indianapolis for a socially distanced networking event. Students had the opportunity to converse with future professors and various team members with which they will be working throughout their time at the University of Indianapolis.
For Photos: http://skyline20.uindybiz.com/
Dollars and $ense - October 26th, 2019
SBLA partnered with the 100 Black Men of Indianapolis, an organization that engages with central Indiana students through a 16-weekend financial literacy program called Dollars and Sense. Through a combination of education and financial incentives, the students will learn personal finance concepts and investment basics via intensive weekend classes series from late October to early March. SBLA hosted the first Dollars and Sense meeting of the year in the Basement of Schwitzer Student Center. Students had the opportunity to tour UIndy’s Campus, compete in finance-related games such as Accounting Monopoly, and win special prizes!
For photos: http://dollars19.uindybiz.com
Personal Branding - October 23rd, 2019
The CEO of Netlogx, Audrey Taylor, came to speak to School of Business students. Mrs. Taylor spoke about how she started business in the United Kingdom and came to the U.S. to start her own company. She discussed how she had to brand herself in order for her company to be successful, and how at first she had trouble embracing her title of CEO. Prior to the guest speaker, the VP of Marketing for SBLA gave a short presentation. This presentation highlighted business cards and how to dress for success. The student leaders enjoyed dinner before the event with Mrs.Taylor before the event where they received advice.
For photos: http://netlogx19.uindybiz.com
Fall Speaker - September 26th, 2019
World-renowned accountant and best-selling author Ron Baker spoke to a packed house of students, staff, faculty, and CPAs. Prior to the event, nine student leaders had dinner with Mr.Baker. His speech to the school covered his career in accounting as well as his work with the VerSage Institute. His primary focus was on accounting and what he calls the firm of the future. Student leaders found the mentoring during their private dinner to be extremely valuable.
For photos: http://baker19.uindybiz.com
Recruitment Dinner - August 29th, 2019
Dr. Will, the President, and Vice Presidents explained SBLA’s core mission, organization structure, events for the year, and benefits of volunteering. This dinner provided numerous students with information on how to get involved with SBLA. In addition, students were able to sign up to volunteer at numerous events and network with the SBLA officers.
For Photos: http://Joinsbla19.uindybiz.com/
Networking Event - April 15th, 2019
The School of Business welcomed a select group of students that were involved and stood out among their peers throughout the year. They networked with business professionals in the Indianapolis area. Students were able to talk to professionals in all areas of business. This event started off with about an hour of networking and concluded with a dinner where students and the professionals had an additional opportunity to network.
Charity Golf Outing - April 6th, 2019
SBLA put together this event to raise money for Christel House International. This organization supports young children around the world. There were a total of 57 golfers including UIndy staff, students, and alumni. Two former mayors of Indianapolis were in attendance as well as many other individuals. The goal for this event was $7,000 dollars, but it was surpassed. SBLA raised over $10,000 dollars for Christel House.
For Photos: http://golf19.uindybiz.com/
Spring Speaker - March 28th, 2019
The 2019 spring speaker was Elaine Bedel. She is the President of IEDC (Indiana Economic Development Corporation,) and the author of “Advice You Never Asked For… But Wish You Had.” This event was different than the ones in the past because it was structured like a Q&A instead of just a speech. Alie Brown, UIndy student, and SBLA member lead the Q&A. She asked Elaine about her experience of starting her own business, as well as about her position as President of the IEDC, and about what advice she’d give to students.
For photos: http://bedel19.uindybiz.com/
FAB - Fashion and Business - February 7th, 2019
This event was run like a pageant. Professors and students were dressed in business attire to provide examples of how to dress in the workplace. In addition, participants competed in a talent segment and a business questionnaire.
For photos: http://fashion19.uindybiz.com/
Recuruitment Dinner - August 30th, 2018
Dr. Will, President, and Officers explained SBLA’s core mission, organization structure, events, and benefits of volunteering. This dinner provided numerous students with information on how to get involved with SBLA. In addition, students were able to sign up to volunteer at numerous events. This event filled the room with attendees and left students wanting to sign up for events.
Networking Dinner - April 12th, 2018
This event was an exclusive networking event for School of Business students. Local business professionals attended in order to give students the opportunity to network. Students were able to exchange business cards, hear stories, and learn more about the business world.
For photos: http://networking18.uindybiz.com/
Spring Speaker - April 4th, 2018
Steve Hamilton, CEO of the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, spoke to over 250 UIndy students. He spoke about his journey and the seven things he learned. His presentation was his first keynote address to a public audience.
For photos: http://iso18.uindybiz.com/
Business Fashion Show - March 22nd, 2018
Kathy Friend, a fashion consultant, styled students in two different outfits. One outfit was business casual and the other was business professional. Professors wore examples of “What Not to Wear” in a business setting. This event showed students how to dress in the professional world.
For photos: http://fashion18.uindybiz.com/
Spring Break Habitat for Humanity Trip - March 10-17th, 2018
Over spring break, six School of Business student leaders headed to Savannah, Georgia. On this trip these six students worked with Habitat for Humanity to rebuild homes. They also helped at the Habitat for Humanity Restore facility.
For photos: http://springbreak18.uindybiz.com/
Straight Answer Saturday - February 10th, 2018
This event was a partnership between the UIndy School of Business and the Indiana Secretary of State Department. The goal was to offer financial and legal consulting services to the community and no charge.
For photos: http://sas18.uindybiz.com/
Fall Speaker - November 8th, 2017
Santiago Jaramillo, CEO of Emplify, talked to a room of more than 350 students. Jaramillo shared his experience of starting his own company senior year of college from his dorm room.
For photos: http://fall17speaker.uindybiz.com/
Business Card Information Session - November 1st, 2017
SBLA brought in Michael Salemi, owner of Colored Threads. Salemi informed students about the importance of business cards and personal branding. Through a powerful presentation, Salemi was able to interact with the audience and convey the importance of his message.
For photos: http://bizcard17.uindybiz.com/
Charity Golf Outing - October 22nd, 2017
At Valle Vista Golf Club in Greenwood, Indiana SBLA was able to host its very first Charity Golf Outing. All attendees played across 18 holes and all money raised was donated to Team Rubicon.
For photos: http://golf17.uindybiz.com/
Recruitment Dinner - September 13th, 2017
Officers, President, and Dr. Will explained SBLA’s core mission, organization structure, events, and the benefits of volunteering. This dinner provided interested students the information to get involved with SBLA, as well as letting them sign up to volunteer for events.
For photos: http://sblarecruit.uindybiz.com/